new skills for a new life

Our purpose is your success.

Education with a big difference

At FSIMT we only train you and deliver education that leads to high value skills: success in business or in the workplace is possible if you have high value skills, such as those summarised below

Advanced digital tech

Including web site design, digital marketing and cloud computing

Renewable enErgy

Solar power installations, sustainable energy and eco-entrepreneurship

media and film

Become a highly skilled media professional: acting, film-making & jouranalism

Management & business

Entrepreneurship and all management programmes- project and HR management

pathways to success

Global innovations in training and educational programmes

Our programmes are based on decades of success and link to jobs and business that are under great demand. For example project and HR management, sustainable oil and gas, advanced web design skills and many more. Summarised in the video here.

Pathways to your future

FSIMT programmes, combined with global partners, such as the Global Gateway for International Study/Skills and Technology, Pan African Centres of Excellence for Sustainable Energy (PACESE), Tansian University, HIPDET university, amongst others, provide the best possible solution for people who want to achieve much more whether it’s career, business, travel/work abroad or academic excellence.

FSIMT programmes are comprehensive qualifications and  can be taken as a professional diploma based on competency based education (global skills approach) or when combined with research and active project work, post graduate diplomas.

The courses are based on international curriculum and industry standards and most consist of four units linked to real life/work requirements. Each unit can be achieved in 2-3 months.

Many of the qualifications offer a further pathway:

  1. To a higher degree, such as a BSc or Masters
  2. To further study abroad: in Canada, Malaysia, Australia in the main but others possibilities are on the table as well.
  3. Employment or Business: as many of the qualifications are industry based they can lead to successful career or business; internship with an organisation, a permanent position or establishing a business with our support.

Featured Courses

Some of our innovative courses- geared to your success..

Curious about undergraduate study Almost anything is possible…

Learning often happens in classrooms but it doesn’t have to. Even our standard degree courses involve different options for learning and are backed up by international bodies and universities.

Teaching & EduManagement

Business & Management

Energy/ Engineering

Acting/ Media

Health Science

Data Science

FSIMT Course Brochure – view or download our summary course brochure